Click-to-call, sometimes called click-to-talk or click-to-dial, is a type of communication that allows people to connect with a company representative over a call from your app or website. These connections are possible and are supported through SMS, and Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Click-to-call can be in the form of links, buttons, or hyperlinks.

Click-to-call help businesses develop trust and improve conversion rates. Using click-to-call functionality users do not have to dial the numbers, which saves them time.

Click to call stats:

According to Forrester Research, click-to-call functionality increases ROI by an average of 143%. Across every country, the average conversion rate of a click-to-call ranges from 5% to 25%.

  • 70% of calls are made by directly clicking on Google’s search results.
  • The revenue generated by Google searches is over 40 million per month.
  • With only 1-2% of clicks, companies have seen 30-50% conversion rates.
  • 88% of website visitors are more likely to contact you through the click-to-call button.

How does click-to-call work?

There are three ways by which click-to-call works. They are:

  • Click to request a callback
  • VoIP click to the callback
  • Click to call on a smartphone

Let us see the above points in detail.

Click to request a callback: In the “click-to-request” scenario, customers click a “request a call” button and enter the phone numbers. After this, the request and phone number are sent to the customer support team and they will answer you on time. This request can be immediately or at the customer’s preferred time.

VoIP click to the callback: VoIP click to the callback is also called a web call. Using this functionality a customer can click a button on a website and can directly connect to a support person or the customer advisor. And can communicate using an inbuilt microphone and speaker. This process is fully web-based, without any involvement of a phone.

Click-to-call on a smartphone: Click-to-call option on mobile phones connects to customers by triggering normal phone calls. These features only require one action from the customers and offer them the most seamless customer experience. 

The top benefits of click-to-call that help you reach your calling targets

Click-to-call has been proven the most effective way to communicate with businesses across the industry. It is changing the face of customer communication by delivering exceptional customer service.

Let us shed some light on how click-to-call can benefit the business. Now, let us dive into each of the above-mentioned points.

Improve customer segmentation and engagement: It is crucial to target the right customer. Previously, anybody used to dial numbers that sometimes used to waste the business's time. But the click-to-call option increases the chances that allow you to segment your customers intelligently. 

For example, with click-to-call, you can place calls directly from web pages to specific departments. This feature allows issues and queries to be solved in less time which results in customer satisfaction. Click-to-call is also considered an optimization tool.

Gather customer data: Click-to-call gives you the authority to know what web page customers have called you from. This makes it easy for businesses to track phone calls easily. You can easily gather data and this is powerful for customer mapping purposes.

  • Customer journey mapping: Customer mapping helps you understand from where the customer is calling and can highlight sticking points on your website. For example, shows that a lot of customers click to call on one specific page, which implies that the information might not be clear on that page. Now businesses can use this data and can do the required changes to optimize the copy, visuals, and UX of the page, and helps you improve the customer journey.
  • Empower your advisors: The data is a new fuel. The more data you collect, the more information you can get about the customers and their preferences. It helps businesses become more effective and productive. The click-to-call feature gives business advisors the liberty to see the form on which web page a customer is calling. This gives businesses a heads-up about the customer’s issues and helps them fix the issues on time. The gathered information can streamline the interaction, and improve efficiency.

Seamless customer conversation: All customers are looking for an easy way to initiate calls. 88% of customers are more likely to start a conversation if there is a click-to-call button. Click-to-call is a very effective tool for getting customers to engage with your brand. This feature offers friendly web calls that help solve their problems efficiently. Moreover, the conversion rate ranges between 5% and 25% which is considered to be 4 times higher than other online conversions.

Deliver Superior services: Traditionally, phone calls were limited to just voice interaction. But with the introduction of web-based click-to-call, the calls can be easily connected to other contact channels such as live chat, video chat, and co-browsing. These connections with extra channels can efficiently transform the customer journey. 

Firstly, the customers can contact you through your website easily. And depending on the need you can interact with different contact channels and redirect them to the right person. It helps in a smooth transition and helps customers get a seamless customer experience.

Cost-effective: Click-to-call feature helps organizations on monetary terms. Web calls are more cost-effective than phone calls. Traditionally, businesses used to get bills for the calls, but with web calls, they do not have to pay. Not only that, web calls are very effective, hence increasing engagement and conversion rates. It helps businesses reduce their bills and helps in generating a high return on investment (ROI). 

Moreover, click-to-call makes it easy to connect to international customers and receive their calls.

Reduces customer effort: Click-to-call reduces customer effort and helps them reach brand representatives with one click. Previously, users used to manually dial the number, and click-to-talk solutions were used to help in quick interactions. But click-to-call has eliminated manual work. 

Customer experience related to the click-to-call feature

Now that we have discussed the benefits of click-to-call. Let us now see how click-to-call contributes to business growth. Let us now get into the details.

Customer Satisfaction: With the growth of digital technology, internet users have tremendously increased. But it has not affected the preference of people. People still prefer human interaction to understand the information presented online. Also, it has been proven that 75% of people prefer to contact a business by phone. The main reason behind that is everyone appreciates communicating with a real person. It gives users a sense of security. Most customers communicate with businesses to resolve their queries. Click-to-call buttons are helping brands to optimize their online potential.

Enhanced sales and brand loyalty: It is seen that the happier the customer, the more they will come back and take your services or products. In today’s era, customers are expecting to have a click-to-call button present on your company’s site. So it is suggested to have a click-to-call button on the websites.

The click-to-call feature is crucial to increase sales. Estimated, 20-45% of potential customers choose to purchase a phone. So it is crucial to have a click-to-call button so that you can have a great impact on your customers.

Lead identification: It is known that a only significant group of individuals are allowed to make calls to the companies. These individuals are the ones who possess more information on the kind of products and services they want. This is another way to identify the potential customer and convert them into leads. Click-to-call can help your potential customers to make calls easily and comfortably. Click-to-call is an excellent tool for gaining potential sales opportunities.

Click-to-call: Which professionals should use this feature?

Here are the following professional target groups who should consider the click-to-call feature.

1. Call center managers:

Click-to-call technology helps customers browse the website of a particular business. It helps businesses redirect customers to the live agent. With that, it enables the call center to streamline calls that come into the center. Normally the calls come to a central location and then are rerouted accordingly.

2. Sales representative: Click-to-call helps sales representatives connect directly with customers. In real-time and help them increase the inbound and outbound sales, 

3. Customer experience managers: Click-to-call helps managers in the following ways:

  • Reduce customer efforts: Click-to-call helps your clients access the services, data, and information per their requirements. 
  • Improve customer satisfaction and loyalty: If the customers have a better experience they are more inclined to stay loyal and come back again and again to use your services.
  • Increase customer lifetime value: Enhance your customer values by providing them with a positive experience by talking to them in person, online, and over the phone.

Click-to-call: Examples 

The real-life applications across a variety of industries are as follows:

B2B businesses: These businesses streamline their sales processes with click-to-call into their customer relationship management (CRM) platform. It helps businesses reduce CRM errors and offers data management, allowing businesses to track and report on calls with the CRM platform.

SaaS companies: These companies use click-to-call functionality on their websites to support centers to enhance conversion and improve customer satisfaction. Customers' calls are directly routed to the available individuals from their websites. 

Delivery services and ride-sharing apps: Delivery services and ride-sharing apps use click-to-call to connect their customers with the driver. Moreover, the number stays private because it ensures that your number stays masked, and keeps it private.

Direct-to-consumer businesses: Businesses that deal directly with the consumers such as consumer goods, real estate agencies, or services centers use click-to-call to stand out. They offer real-time communications for sale and support.

Features to look for when selecting a click-too-call vendor:

A lot of consideration must be taken care of while choosing the vendor. This vendor will help you enable click-too-call for your business.

  • Compatibility with all browsers as well as non-web compatible browsers and complex SIP infrastructure or PSTN.
  • Flexible SDK and easy developer docs.
  • Features availability as per your need. For example, features like masked numbers can help you ensure call recording. 

Tips and best practices

Let us learn about the tips and best practices that can help businesses that are opting for the click-to-call feature.

  • Use a large click-to-call button and ensure that it looks good on the page
  • Place the button where it can be seen without scrolling 
  • Use a short headline that is easy to read as well as is compelling 
  • Show your “lines open” hours.
  • Optimize the images and graphics that look great on the website. Also, ensure to reduce the file size so that loading can be fast.

To conclude:

Click-to-call buttons are easy to implement and can help your business grow and achieve its goalsIt helps you boost your sales, and customer satisfaction, and enhance your leads.

If you are looking for a vendor who can offer amazing click-to-call functionality for your business, then you are at the right place. Click-to-call is easy to implement with jiPBX, as it ensures high-quality, low latency voice, clear communication, and offers the best customer experience.